Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Learning how to move my bum

Hey everyone!

So I think its day 6 of my trip? I'm not sure, I'm definitely losing track of time. I miss everyone at home, but have thankfully been busy enough not to freak out. I keep forgetting I am in Africa until I leave our house and look around me. Its the weirdest feeling to think I will be here until April.

I've tried lots of Ghanaian foods so far such as banku (its like a ball of maize that you eat with your hands), red red (fried plantains and spicy beans) and lots of fried rice. I am going to be a huge fatty when I get home. All I eat is literally carbohydrates- white carbs- which are fine but not exactly nutritious! I have decided to go back to being a full vegetarian while I'm here because I do not see any refrigeration of meats. Like none. So besides the chickens eating raw sewage, the fish they sell on the streets sits out there and isnt refrigerated all day? Hmmm, so I'm skeptical to say the least.

We have been taking drumming and dancing lessons and I'm actually not bad! I have never seen such amazing dancers. We went to the cultural centre to see some of our friends dance and HOLY. They danced for about 3 hours non-stop and it was the most intense thing I have ever seen. I can't even imagine moving that way! But a friend has been coming by to teach us, and he's really patient, and I'm learning! It's a hilarious and a hot way to pass the time. The power keeps going off - as it did all day in our house. We also keep having our water turned off, so bucket showers are necessary. I am more concerned about the handwashing and using water that has been sitting outside collecting bacteria in buckets for such emergencies. I dont mind the power being off except that it means the fans don't work- so if the fans don't work the water better work so you can at least shower off the buckets of sweat that are happening! And the mosquitoes aren't deterred if the fans are off. I have random bites on my back- I guess its the one spot I forgot to put bug spray. One of the girls got sick last night- one volunteer down so far. Another guy in our house potentially has typhoid. Yes the shot only works 70% of the time! So, I don't want that at all- and malaria is huge here. I am being cautious but also trying to enjoy myself- I can't even tell you what we talk about at dinners! The most digusting stories of everyones illness and bathroom adventures, haha, especially while eating. But the people here are amazing. Just the nicest, friendliest people.

A guy said to me today when I told him it was my first time in Africa that black and white go together like a keyboard, haha. Hilarious. We get a lot of that. But not too many creepy people, just a lot of people that want to meet us. The Ghanaian handshake is my FAVOURITE. You shake hands and as the handshake ends the person uses your middle finger to snap- it makes me laugh every time. We spent last night playing with the neighbourhood kids- sooo cute, and I realized my concept of poverty here is so much different than actualy poverty here. What I consider poor is nothing compared to the reality. But people here don't seem to dwell on it. I get lots of advice on how to remain happy in life.

Tonight we are going to the reggae night at the beach- Kersten has lots of Rasta friends that make sure we are alright if we go anywhere at night so they are coming with us. I am grabbing the opportunity because once I get to Kumasi I dont think I will be going out much- especially when Gill is no longer there. Going out at night alone or even with another white girl is not recommended by pretty much everyone. That's all for now- my internet might stay up or I might disappear when I leave the capital on Saturday. I am getting a cell- if it ever happens- and will give people my number so they can text me or call and I can keep in touch. They are really big here. Wish me luck, and I will talk to you all soon!

I miss everyone!


At 4:29 PM, Blogger b said...

are there tsetse flies there?
i was just reading about them

and, way to go with the drumming.
sounds like a lot of fun.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

you should title this post "a germaphobe in ghana"...I love your writing style. It reminds me of the way you talk, which is always bubbly and entertaining.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love your bum!! haha, that came our wrong! :)
Your dance days sound fabulous!! You sound so great - I can see your smile perfectly through your words. :)

love you lady


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